
When you give, you’re trusting God with your finances.
Tithing is a biblical principle. The word “tithe” means tenth and the tithe is not ours, but God’s. In returning tithe, we are simply giving back to God what’s already His. The tithe goes to support the forwarding of the Gospel message all over the world, including our local church and community. We are proud members of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church which supports a global outreach of tens of thousands of pastors, evangelists, Bible workers, teachers, missionaries, and others. We consider it an honor to be a part of such a global movement. We happily return tithe for something larger than ourselves and our own wants and needs.
Offerings are in addition to tithe, and that’s where personal financial generosity really starts. The offering is used for all of the local initiatives and ministries at Coastal Christian Fellowship. We choose to give because God gave first. Jesus says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God is the biggest Giver of all!
We operate under the umbrella of our mother church so when you give your offering you must select Coastal Christian Fellowship on the line item of the envelope in order for the funds to be directed to our congregation.